are we a good fit?

Before you work out what session you may need with me, let’s see if we’re a good fit.

You’ll work well with me if:


✔ You’re looking for honesty, real-world answers and solutions, sprinkled with a little mystical insight (be warned, I’m loving but some of my love is tough love)

✔  You’re at a crossroads in life or are going through great change

✔  You’re stuck and you can’t get a clear perspective on opportunities, limitations and self-sabotage

✔  Personal growth is important to you, and you are ready to understand yourself better, be empowered and take action

✔  You believe you’re here for a purpose, if only you could work out what that is!

✔  You’re actively seeking a teacher, mentor, process or tribe where you can belong and evolve

✔  You want to deepen your experience of reality, and to know yourself and reality in a way that aligns with a more mystical worldview - one that has room for both science and magic

“authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. it’s about the choice to show up and be real. the choice to be honest. the choice to let our true selves be seen.” — brené brown

You won’t be a good fit to work with me if:


❌ you can’t be told or taught

❌ you blame everyone else for your problems and lack personal accountability

❌ you want me to tell you your lucky numbers and a magical affirmation that will change your life without you having to do any work

❌ you only want a feel-good superficial experience

❌ you are mean-spirited, sexist, homophobic, bigoted or filled with righteousness and judgement


good, i’m glad we got clear on that.

i’m here to empower you with knowledge

about yourself, and to tune you into your

own intuition and inner knowing

so that you can be your own guru!


My clients tell me that the sessions we have and the work we do together is life-changing for them, and that they finally feel at home in themselves. They feel relief that they are not alone and that there are others like them, and they move from being insecure, lost and anxious to compassionate and kind, more confident, clear about their direction and able to back themselves and their ideas as they put themselves out into the world as a more complete and authentic version of themselves. If you work with me, I’m here for you. And I may pop into your life even when we aren’t working together.

here are some stories of how i’ve supported clients outside our usual working arrangement:

There’s A Problem With Your Mother

Never Off Duty

The Psychic and the Shower Encounter

The Bad But Useful Dream

The Non-Believer And The Desperate Hour

All my love, Nicole xx





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